Conference Topics

The conference topics include but not limited to the following:

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Statistic Learning & Pattern Recognition
  • Deep Learning & Neural Network Robotics
  • Remote Sensing and Applications
  • Medical Image Processing
  • Image and Video Retrieval
  • Speech, Audio, and Music Processing
  • Computer Vision Applications
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Image Processing & Computer Vision
  • Deep and Reinforcement Learning
  • Distributed and Decentralized Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Distributed Intelligent Processing
  • Intelligence Language & Speech
  • Intelligent Wireless Communications
  • Real-Time Object Detection Algorithms
  • Deep Learning for Image Segmentation
  • Synthetic Data Generation
  • AI in Satellite Imagery Analysis
  • Deep Learning for Remote Sensing
  • Deep Learning for Environmental Monitoring

2. Cloud Computing, IoT and Blockchain

  • Models and algorithms of Big Data
  • Architecture of Big Data
  • Big Data Management
  • Big Data Analysis and Processing
  • Security and Privacy of Big Data
  • Big Data in Smart Cities
  • Search, Mining and Visualization of Big Data
  • Technologies, Services and Application of Big Data
  • Edge Computing
  • Architectures and systems of Cloud Computing
  • Paradigms of Cloud Computing
  • Management and operations of Cloud Computing
  • Blockchain for security IoT
  • Intelligent Systems for IOT
  • Blockchain for Identity Management
  • Enterprise Blockchain Adoption
  • Data Compression in IoT Devices
  • Cloud computing in the IOT
  • Internet of things technology standard

3. AI for Business, Management, and Social Sciences

  • AI in Business Decision-Making
  • Mathematical Modeling & Applied Mathematics
  • Customer Analytics with Machine Learning
  • Ethical AI and Social Responsibility
  • Marketing and Sales AI Automation
  • Human-AI Workplace Collaboration
  • AI in Financial Services
  • AI for Human Resources
  • Organizational Impact of AI
  • Predictive Analytics in Supply Chains
  • Social Media and AI Analytics
  • AI in Public Policy
  • Behavioral Insights through AI
  • AI, Privacy, and Security
  • AI for Sustainability
  • AI in Crisis Management and Response
  • AI-Driven Business Intelligence Systems
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants in Customer Service
  • AI for Competitive Analysis and Strategy
  • Cross-Cultural Management with AI

4. Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning for Data Analysis
  • Predictive Modeling for Data Visualization
  • Business Intelligence
  • Big Data Analysis
  • ML for Data Analysis
  • Interactive and Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Statistical Inference in Data Analysis
  • Unsupervised Learning for Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Mining and Analysis
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Network Analysis for Data Visualization
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Advanced Analytics Techniques for Data Insights
  • Cognitive Computing for Pattern Recognition
  • Time Series Data Analysis
  • Cluster Analysis for Market Segmentation
  • Graph-Based Data Analysis for Complex Networks